Summer 1947 GAG FACTORY CATALOG Order by telephone KLondike 512 "Have you ever found yourself at the business end of a cream pie, wishing you had a seltzer bottle? Well, wish no longer!" Dear Friends, Welcome to Marvin's Gag Factory - the world's largest supplier of tricks and shticks to the cartoon industry. Over the past twenty years we have earned the reputation of providing the finest quality merchandise at rock-bottom prices. We are proud to present the latest edition of our mail order catalog to you, John Q. Public. With nearly twice as many items as last year, this catalog is THE source for all you gag needs. Shopping by catalog is easy. Just flip through the pages to find hundreds of items, from whoopee cushions to sixteen-ton weights. Once you've found that perfect gag, just dial KLondike 512. Two to three seconds later your package will arrive via special messenger. Now there's no excuse for not getting back at those you love. Our goal is to provide you with the most ridiculous gags at the least ridiculous prices. Sincerely, Mr. Smith Sales Manager THAT-A-WAY SIGN Your baffled buddies won't get the point when you bewitch them with this bewildering sign. This single signpost features pointers labeled North Pole, South Pole, He went that-a-way, Wrong Way, Right Way, and Azusa. A must for anyone on the lam. Was: $3.16 Now: $1.40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKWARD PILLS !toir hgual a era sllip esehT .evirra of smees eh nehw evael dna sdrawkcab etirw, sdrawkcab klat, sdrawkcab klaw mitciv yuoy ekam ot deetnarauG.stelbat suoived eseht fo elpuoc a swollaws eh retfa gniog ro gnimoc s'eh rehtehw wonk t'now mitciv ruoY Original price: 19c :ecirp elaS c91 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SIXTEEN-TON WEIGHT Being pursued by a bunch of pistol-packing weasels? Simply reach out, pull the lever, and send this sixteen-ton weight dropping on their heads! Works every time! Choice of effects: drive victim into the ground, shatter victim into a thousand pieces, or turn victim into a manhole cover. Lever, rope, pulley and victim not included. A steal at: $19.99 --------------------------------------------------------------------- YOW! THUD SPLAT! Transform your pop-gun into Big Bertha! Add a hearty SPLAT! to punctuate a well aimed pie throw! You name the gag, we've got the sound effect. Each effect comes in its own leakproof, corked bottle to ensure that your sounds will ring true, on cue. Slapstick (Thud! Whap! YOW!! etc.). Waterworks (Gurgle, Slosh, SPLASH! etc). Contraption (Whirrrr, Buzzz, Ta-pocketa, etc.). Explosion (Bang! KAPOW!! Phhhhhht, etc.). Your choice: 49c Order all four and get free Bronx cheer: $1.29 -------------------------------------------------------------------- EARTHQUAKE PILLS "It's not my fault!" you shout as your buddy shakes, rattles, and rolls thanks to one of our famous earthquake pills. Made from the shiverberry plant grown in San Andreas, California, these pills are guaranteed to shake things up. Bottle of 50 pills, only: 29c -------------------------------------------------------------------- STAY-PUT GLUE You'll be stuck on our super-strength glue. Just coat the bottom of you favorite foe's feet with this stuff and then give him a big, wet kiss. When he tries to give chase, he'll fall flat on his face with his feet firmly cemented to the ground. Even Toons of incredible strength cannot escape its adhesive effects. Great for getting out of sticky situations! Half-gallon carton: 69c -------------------------------------------------------------------- SQUIRTING FLOWER When your friends take time to smell the flowers, you'll howl with laughter as a perfectly aimed jet of water squirts them in the face! Works hundreds of times - always funny! Available in carnation, orchid, and rose. Your choice: 19c Order all three: 39c --------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUTONIUM POGO-STICK Spring into action with this potentially perilous, plutonium-powered pogostick. Our miraculous mechanical marvel can launch you up to 20,000 feet! Hang on to our E-Z Grip handlebars as you ricochet into the stratoshpere. Not for use indoors or in tunnels. Priced to go: $1.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPER VACCUUM Clean up your act with this Suck-O-Lux vacuum cleaner! Flip the switch and watch this industrial-strength model suck up everything in sight. Toons, rugs, fixtures, furniture all disappear neatly into the vacuum bag for easy disposal. The perfect appliance for bringing indoor chase scenes to a BIG FINISH. Blowout price: $5.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- VANISHING CREAM Your friends will be able to see right through you when you use our miraculous vanishing cream. Perfect for sneaking up on obnoxious opponents or hiding from pesky pursuers. Effects last until your next bath. Buy now before our inventory disappears. 7-oz. jar only: 20c --------------------------------------------------------------------- WHOOPEE CUSHION A classic that's always comical!! When folks sit down - listen for the phhhhhhhhhhht! Watch as they turn red with embarrassment and then blame the dog! This one's a real gasser! Clearance price: 55c --------------------------------------------------------------------- HOT GUM Spice up a party with this super hot gum. Offer a stick to some unsuspecting Joe, and try to keep your sides from splitting as you laugh at the flames belching from his mouth. He'll stick his tongue under a faucet, he'll run, he'll jump. Always a great way to impress girls. On sale: 1c per pack --------------------------------------------------------------------- ELEVATOR SHOES Rise to the occasion with these "E-go-boost" elevator shoes. Just press the illuminated button on the heel, listen for the ding, and up, up, and away! Makes puny runts into towering behemoths. Always good for a lift. 2-floor model: $2.50 4-floor model: $3.50 --------------------------------------------------------------------- BOX-O-MATIC MALLET This deceptively devious gag really packs a punch! Appears to be a standard-issue anti-mouse mallet. But press the trigger and a spring-loaded boxing glove shoots out. Telescoping arm reaches lengths of up to fifty feet. A big hit at parties! On sale for 73-1/2c --------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPLODING CIGAR Want to burst the balloon of your foe after one of his momentary victories? Shove one of these babies into his puss, light the end, and pump his hand in hearty congratulations. Now step back and see who really gets the last laugh! A few puffs and BOOB!!! - your foe's face is covered with soot! A perfect capper to turn his happy ending into yours! Special purchase: 89c per box --------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOTPRINTS Slap a few of these handy footprints onto the ground, jump behind the bushes, and watch the fun as your foe walks in circles or off the nearest cliff! (Free dance instruction booklet included.) Box of one gross: 3c --------------------------------------------------------------------- GIANT SLINGSHOT Have a fling with this industrial-grade slingshot. Gives you the gain on even the fastest varmints. Solid oak construction and 100% Indian rubber make it simple to launch anything from gliders to small elephants. Original price: $18.00 Sale price: $2.22 --------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDBUZZER Shake up your pals with this clever little device. Fits in the palm of your hand so you can give everyone a buzz. Try to keep your sides from splitting as you watch the reaction. Shocks'em every time. Guaranteed to make a great first impression! Still our biggest seller!! Noisemaker model: 33c 5,000 volt model: 43c --------------------------------------------------------------------- ITCHING POWDER Know someone who gives you the hives? Give him the seven year itch! Just drop a pinch of this high-potency itching powder into his boxer shorts! Then stand back and laugh as you watch him frantically scratch the rash! Effects harmlessly vanish after six months. 99-pinch vial: 7c --------------------------------------------------------------------- MIGHT-E-SMELL LIMBURGER CHEESE This special recipe of Limburger cheese has been created with an emphasis on oudor, not taste. Guaranteed to make skunks pack up and leave. This extra-stinky, extra sticky cheese is the most potent, pungent product we have ever peddled. Aged over 90 years. P.U.! Please, get it out of here! 12-oz. wheel LIQUIDATION PRICE: We pay you 19c --------------------------------------------------------------------- PORTABLE HOLES Just the thing for a quick getaway! This versatile hole allows you to reach through walls and drop through floors. Its roomy interior can store the entire contents of your attic! Simply slap one down and slip yourself through. Completely portable, you can carry it anywhere or fold it up for future use. 12-inch-diameter model, closeout: 9c 36-inch-diameter model, closeout: 15c 72-inch-diameter model, closeout: 23c --------------------------------------------------------------------- ALUM Our extra-potent alum formula is guaranteed to make a Toon or a real person pucker until the cows come home - works better than lemons! Our alum is great for making people shut their trap. Also prevents whistling, whooping, hollering, and belching. Take some home and use it on the children. Can be baked into cookies, too. Closeout: 9c per 1-quart carton --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC LAMPS Ever dream of Genie? Now you can own one! Just rub this quality brass oil lamp three times and POOF!, an obedient genie appears, eager to do your bidding! A must for anyone in a pickle. These lamps were purchased from a friend of a friend. He gave us his word that these lamps were top quality. Paper bag full of assorted watches included free with purchase. Sold "AS IS." No returns. 1-wish model: 1 million samoulians 3-wish model: 2 million samoulians --------------------------------------------------------------------- SELTZER BOTTLE Make a splash at your next party! This super-charged seltzer bottle uses our exclusive patented ingredient and shoots up to 250 feet! Blast your Toon across the room! Soak some sucker at a shindig! Bottle can be recharged again and again. Liquidation Price: 19c Recharge: (allow 3 days) 7c --------------------------------------------------------------------- SHRINKING POTION Shrink your appetite - or the nearest Toon - with this magical elixer. Developed by a Monrovian headhunter, this potion is a blend of the smallest herbs, roots, and spices in the world. One gulp will make a Toon shrink to 1/10th normal size. Two gulps and you'll need a microscope to see him. 3-oz. bottle: 3c 9-oz. bottle: 4c --------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAR TRAP Works on giraffes, kangaroos, rabbits, squirrels, flies, elephants, horses, llamas, cats, mothers-in-law, cows, skunks, hyenas, turkeys, little brothers, camels, snails, toads, moles, buffaloes, zebras, dragons, bats, monkeys, spiders, squids, caterpillars, manta rays, dinosaurs, buzzards, oysters, peacocks, wombats, lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Comes complete with 2-foot chain and anchor spike. Closeout: 99c --------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCKET ROLLERSKATES Get ready for high-speed high jinks with these super-fast skates! Powered by nitroglycerine, these skates travel faster than a speeding bullet! Great for catching up to locomotives or breaking the sound barrier. Now only: $1.19 --------------------------------------------------------------------- X-RAY GLASSES These high-quality lenses are made from the finest Visulonium available. The sturdy yet fashionable frames are made from crushproof turtle shell. See through clothing (wow!), walls, even vault doors. Handy "depth" adjustment knob makes for easy see-through viewing. Can also be used as sunglasses. Not effective on lead. Closeout price: 45c --------------------------------------------------------------------- CURVE BALL Throw your Toons A curve! No ballpark prankster can do without this wandering wonder! Handmade by angry Australians. The curve mechanism inside is guaranteed for life. Only: 76c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GIANT MAGNET Get the magnetic personality you've always wanted! Our iron magnets are guaranteed to be the strongest in the world. They can attract any metal object from over 8 miles away. So versatile they can be used to remove fillings, or even pull flying saucers out of the sky. Painted "rustproof red" for year-round use. A steal at: $4.29 --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPELLER BEANIE Your friends will think you've flipped your lid when you tell 'em you're going out for a stroll - 5000 feet up! One twist of the prop and you're flying like a hummingbird! Great for buzzing sidewalks during rush hour or sneaking up on window- washers! Propeller is good for 10,000 revolutions, after which its pancake city. Priced to move: $1.14 Please specify hat size when ordering. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PERMA-SLIP BANANA PEELS These tasty bananas have been specially treated with Perma-Slip peel coating. Just eat the banana, toss the peel, and watch your friends slip and slide! It will remain slippery for days, guaranteed. Now only: 3c a bunch --------------------------------------------------------------------- FINE PRINT Weasel out of any deal with this inovative idea direct from the famous law offices of Dewey, Cheadem, and How. Available on gummed paper, fine print can easily be added to any contract - no mater how old. The print is so small that it can only be read with a microscope. Double-talk mumbo-jumbo specially written by Judge Doom. 1 box of gummed sheets, 100 count. Minuscule price: 79c --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAN-EATING PLANT Fertilize these feisty ferns with noisy neighbors or unwelcome relatives. Dionadea muscipula giganticus, grown only in the deepest jungles of Cucamonga, towers up to 23 feet high. Given a chance, it will messily devour a full-grown man in less than a minute. Also produces delightfully scented flowers in the spring. Availab;e in handy "Quik-Gro" seed packs, or fully grown in sturdy terra-cotta pots. Seeds grow to full size in just hours. Pack of seeds: 6c Plant: $2.49 (shipped by rail) --------------------------------------------------------------------- GLASSES WITH SPRINGY EYEBALLS Get a look at these peepers. We don't know why, but our glasses always get a laugh - even out of the most sullen sourpusses. Great for office parties and visits with people you just don't see eye-to-eye with. Truely the epitome of dangling eyewear, models come with blue, hazel, or bloodshot eyes. On sale: 33c --------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGIC CARPET Hand-embroidered in Baghdad, this rug is so decorative you'll want two - one to fly, and one for your living room! Operated with simple incantations, this carpet flies like a dream. Includes instructions printed on parchment scroll. Guaranteed for 12,000 miles or 12 washings, whichever comes first. 6 x 9 feet: $9.00 12 x 12 feet: $12.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------- CREAM PIES These pies have the perfect combination of taste and throwability. Can be hurled up to 50 yards, or even farther when launched with our giant slingshot. Unlike the competitions pies, these have an exclusive face-seeking feature. Several delicious flavors available. Bargain price: $2.50 per baker's dozen Banana Cream Lemon Cream Coconut Cream Succotash Cream --------------------------------------------------------------------- GUN WITH A "BANG" Get trigger-happy! Realistic looking revolver will scare them silly-until they see the flag pop out. Shoot, folks, it's a blast! Blowout price: 20c --------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE THE SETTING Welcome to Hollywood-1947- a busy, bustling, colorful place fo dazzle,drama, and dreams; a place where you can go straigt to the top-or at least across town on a network of electric streetcars called the "Red Cars" for a nickel you can ride to the end of the line, where two bits buys a ham on ray at The Terminal Bar and Grill. Cartoons are in their heyday, and our "Toon" hero, Roger Rabbit, is a true superstar! But hes status as a Saturday matinee idol hasn't gone to his head. He's just a nice, ordinary, well-rounded guy. That's right! Like all his comic cronies, Roger is real, three-dimensional-just like you or me. He goes to work every day at Maroon Cartoon Studios and comes home every night to the animated suburb of Toontown. Then trouble hits Roger like a ton of bricks! He's frame for murdering Marvin, the Gag King. When Marvin's will also disappearrs, it's clear that someone is up to some not-so-funny business ...especially since Marvin, who owned Toontown, had promised to leave the place to the Toons. THE GOAL Things look bad for Roger. He's on the lam, with that sinister, Toon-hater, Judge Doom, after him. Doom wants to "administer justice"-in the form of a nasty chemical concoction called "The Dip" that dissolves Toons on contact. Roger has to move fast to stay out of Doom's clutches! (It's not that he minds an occasional bath, its just that he'd rather not be washed up so early in his career!) Help him stay ahead of Doom in a race to find Marvin's will - and prevent Toontown from being dipped off the face of the earth! PART 1: BENNY THE CAB Benny is a freewheeling, streetwise, and (usually) "wreckless" Brooklyn cab with the gift of gab. Able to hop buildings and rise above it all on his accordian suspension, Benny's great in a jam (but watch out for bridges!). You're at the controls as Roger and Benny race Judge Doom through the streets of Hollywood. You can beat him, if you watch out for the weasels in their Toon Patrol wagons, puddles of that deadly Dip, and collisions with the Red Cars. (Try landing on top of a Red Car and see what happens!) Touch the Rubber Gloves to temporarily protect Benny from puddles of Dip; the Wheels to get a burst of superspeed; and the Diamonds to remove a bucket of Dip from your tally. Keep your eyes open for other helpful items, too! Start your engines - and get going! PART 2: THE INK and PAINT CLUB Whew! With your help, Roger and Benny have arrived at the Ink and Paint Club, the only place in the world where humans can enjoy live performances by Toon stars like Roger's gorgeous wife, Jessica. Marvin's will is somewhere in the piles of nightclub receipts, napkins, and checks. Since it was written in disappearing ink, you must grab all the papers in the club to make sure Roger gets his mitts on the will before the music stops. You control Roger on his mad race around the tables collecting papers as fast as the penguin waiters replace them. Avoid the gorilla and don't ever, ever, ever let Roger take a drink. PART 3: THE GAG FACTORY At last! You've reached the place where all those famous cartoon gags are made. Unfortunately, the weasels are waiting to jump you! But don't give up - just grab the gags you find and use them to temporarily disable the weasel you meet in the factory. Since weasels are Toons, your only hope of permanently destroying them is by making them laugh themselves to death. Do anything funny - the more gags, the merrier - and the faster, the better for you! If you survive the weasels, it's not over! Judge Doom is waiting for you, ready for the moment of truth! Lose and it's all over for you, Roger, and Toontown. Defeat Doom and you save Toontown from total destruction and Hollywood from a future of strip malls, exaust fumes, diamond lanes, and gridlock! MAP of LOS ANGELES On the map, you can see Marvin's Gag Factory, the Ink an Paint Club, and Toontown. A glance will tell you how close you are to the Gag factory, and how you're doing in your race against Judge Doom. BUCKETS of DIP A bucket of Dip will be added to the tally when Benny collides with something, when Roger is bounced from the Ink and Paint Club, or when the weasels use a gag on Roger. Once five buckets are accumulated, the game is over. --------------------------------------------------------------------- TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Should you encounter difficulties with the program, please verify the following. PROGRAM DOES NOT LOAD PROPERLY: 1. Are you following the player instructions correctly? Have you typed the file name exactly as it appears? 2. Is the disk seated properly in the disk drive, with the label side up? 3. Does your computer meet all the system requirements (DOS, RAM memory, graphics cards, monitor, and/or peripherals) 4. Is each component of your computer system (computer, monitor, disk drives) switched on? 5. Are all the power cables and connections properly plugged in? THE PROGRAM DOES NOT OPERATE AS DESCRIBED: 1. Have you read the player instructions carefully? 2. Is your joystick centered and plugged into the proper port? 3. Are you pushing the correct buttons and keys? COLORS DO NOT APPEAR AS EXPECTED: 1. Have you set the appropriate graphics card/monitor setting? 2. Are your monitor's contrast, color, and tint controls properly adjusted? NO SOUND IN PROGRAM: 1. Have you checked the cable connections and/or the volume control? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Amiga Player Instructions TOONING IN TO WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT You will need a minimum of 512K RAM and a joystick to play this game. GETTING STARTED 1. Set up your Amiga as shown in the owner's manual and turn on your computer, or reset it by pressing the CTRL, left AMIGA, and the right AMIGA keys at the same time. (For some machines, press CTRL, COMMODORE, and AMIGA keys.) 2. KICKSTART your AMIGA with version 1.2 or later, if needed. 3. Insert Disk 1 in your internal drive (DF0:). If you have an external drive, insert Disk 2 in the external drive. MAP The map screen will show your progress in the race against Judge Doom. BENNY THE CAB * Maneuver Benny with the joystick controls shown on the other side of this card. * Use Benny's accordian suspension system to rise above the cars and the Toon Patrol wagon. * Be careful to avoid the puddles of Dip on the road. * Benny can jump up and drive on top of buildings. * Completet the round as quickly as possible. The faster you finish, the more of a lead you will have on Judge Doom in the race to the Gag Factory. THE INK AND PAINT CLUB * Maneuver Roger Rabbit with the joystick controls shown on the other side of this card. * Roger runs in circles around each table. Use the joystick to make him switch tables. * Press the fire button to make Roger grab an object. * Pick up all the papers before the music stops in order to complete the round successfully. THE GAG FACTORY * Maneuver Roger with the joystick controls shown on the other side of this card. * Pick up gags and use them to slow down the weasels. Some gags will backfire - you must learn how to use them by trial and error. NOTES 1. If you have extra RAM or a hard disk, read the file on Disk 2 called READ.ME. 2. Press the "P" key to pause. Press it again to continue play. 3. For more information concerning the game, refer to the Gag Catalog. --------------------------------------------------------------------- JOYSTCK CONTROLS BENNY THE CAB UP = Change Lanes DOWN = Change Lanes LEFT = Slower RIGHT = Faster FIRE BUTTON = Raise Suspension Tap the FIRE BUTTON and push the JOYSTICK UP to JUMP ON TOP OF BUILDINGS. Tap the FIRE BUTTON and push the JOYSTICK DOWN to JUMP OFF BUILDINGS. INK AND PAINT CLUB UP = Change tables. DOWN = Change tables. LEFT = Change tables. RIGHT = Change tables. FIRE BUTTON = Grab objects. GAG FACTORY UP = Grab a gag. DOWN = Drop a gag. LEFT = Move Left. RIGHT = Move right. FIRE BUTTON = Use a gag or jump (if not holding a gag). ---------------------------------------------------------------------